Terror in Poland: 'Driver swept' 17 spectator with sport car

The three-day event Gran Turismo Polonia in Poland, was marked by the terrible accident in which the driver Koenigsegg literally 'swept' 17 people who were watching the race.

Norwegian driver sports car Koenigsegg, while participating in a race in Gran Turismo Polonia in Poland lost control and flew off the road and ran into a crowd of viewers and turned 180 degrees. In the accident, 17 people were injured, four of them more difficult.
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There are also video footage of the disaster, in which one can see how the driver lost control of the car and tried to restrain, but to no avail. On the second shot you can see the driver actually lost control just a few moments after it had already been spun on the road, in a 'U' turn.
Viewers were left in shock and immediately rushed to help the victims of that. Joseph Klimczewski, head of traffic police in Poznan told the local news that the Norwegian driver simply did not know how to control such a car, reports the Daily Mail.
Police remained unnamed Norwegian driver for questioning. He was not under the influence of alcohol.
Koenigsegg is a Swedish manufacturer of energetic sports car, a model who is Norwegian drove themselves called 'hiperautomobilom'. VIDEO HERE

Ngjarja tre-ditore Gran Turismo Polonia në Poloni, u shënua nga aksidenti i tmerrshëm në të cilën shoferi Koenigsegg  'përfshiu'17 njerez të cilët ishin duke shikuar garën. Video

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