KUJDES Pamje te ashpra: Aksident i tmerrshem Rrezohet prej motocikletes dhe bie nen gomat e kamionit

Famous photographer dies after falling from motorcycle directly under truck
The famous 33-year-old photographer Timothy Panasiuc (Motif) was killed in an accident in the Narofominsk region of Moscow near the village Selyatino.

According to a fatal accident one of the last published photos on the page in the social network Timothy "in contact" was a portrait of the deceased lead singer of one of these days "King and the Clown" Michael Gorsheneva with the caption: "Here I was, and that I was gone ..."

- The accident occurred at the 53-kilometer highway Kiev, told Life News, a law enforcement source. - The driver of the scooter, as is usually done in a traffic jam, was riding between two lanes. At some point the scooter crashed into a car and the driver fell to the roadway ... right under the wheels of the truck. In place immediately called an ambulance, but it was too late: the death was instantaneous