How To Get A Body Of Steel

My name is Sam Ashurst and, for some reason, I've agreed to spend the next seven months transforming myself into Superman to celebrate the release of Man Of Steel.
We're one month away from the cinema release, and the plan is to make me look like Superman by the time the Blu-ray's out. Which is obviously insane.
The good people at Barry's Bootcamp will be helping me achieve this impossible goal, and I'll be blogging the whole process right here.
But how impossible is it? Well, currently I bench around 20. Slices. (Hawaiian).
Seriously, I'm not so much Man Of Steel as Sam Of Meal.

This is going to be easy.
I'm a film geek who watches an average of eight films every weekend, with my main exercise regime being 'throwing popcorn at my face.'
But I've always been utterly fascinated with superheroes, and the chance to get as close as I can to the greatest superhero of them all was too good to pass up.
As I'm human and not Kryptonian, I predict I'll have at least three hernias, one twisted ankle and some severely damaged pride by the end of this process.
This is going to be an exercise blog with a difference - I'll be completely and brutally honest about my journey, so expect bafflement and bewilderment and, I imagine, a fair share of embarrassment.
But, if I survive, there might just be a little bit of hope in here as well - because if the world's most unfit man can get in shape, maybe you can too.
Superman has given me an ideal to strive towards. I will race behind him, I will stumble, I will fall. But in time (hopefully) I will join him in the sun.

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